Public announcement from SASA

"In one of the subcontractor companies with 300 employees, there was a problem with wage increases, and a session took place for one day due to to their dislike of wage increases. This problem was solved upon the intervention of the SASA management"
ISTANBUL (AA) - It has been announced that the issue experienced in one of SASA's subcontractor companies due to wage increases has ended.
In the statement made by SASA, it was expressed that approximately 9 thousand workers work in the assemblies of PTA, fiber, chips, and 'low melt' fiber facilities, and said, "In one of the subcontractor companies with 300 employees, there was a problem with wage increases, and a session took place for one day due to to their dislike of wage increases. This problem was solved upon the intervention of the SASA management. The employees of this subcontractor company have resumed work and continue working."
In the statement, it was highlighted that 9 thousand employees will continue their duties 'day and night' in the assembly of the facilities of PTA with an annual production capacity of 1 million 750 thousand tons, which is planned to commence production in the second half of 2024; of fiber with an annual capacity of 367 thousand tons and chips with an annual capacity of 330 thousand tons, which will be operational in the third quarter; and of low melt fiber with a capacity of 52 thousand 500 tons, which will start operating in the first quarter of 2025.

Source of News: Anadolu Agency
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